Let's Talk About Business: Starting a California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation
Foster & Banks Walk in Faith Foundation
This eBook covers the basics steps of starting a California Nonprofit Benefit Corporation.
Learn how to:
- Determine the name of your corporation
- Draft and file your Articles of Incorporation
- Appoint your Board of Directors
- Draft your Bylaws and Conflict of Interest Policy
- Take the initial Board actions at a board meeting
- Obtain your employer identification number (EIN)
- File the initial registration form (Form CT-1) with the California Attorney General’s Registry of Charitable Trusts
- File the Statement of Information (Form SI-100) with the Secretary of State
- Apply for federal tax exemption with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and receive a determination letter from the IRS
- Apply for California tax exemption with the California Franchise Tax Board (FTB) and receive an affirmation of exemption letter from the FTB
- AND MORE!!!!
BONUS: Includes over 8 downloadable templates, documents, Resources, Direct links, and other Important Business Information.
Learn the basics steps of starting a California Nonprofit Benefit Corporation.
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